Mason Fried - PhD 2018 now at ICF International
M. Fried, D. Carroll, G. Catania, D. Sutherland, L. Stearns, E. Shroyer, J. Nash, 2019, Distinct frontal ablation processes drive heterogeneous submarine terminus morphology, Geophysical Research Letters.
M. Fried, G. Catania, L. Stearns, D. Sutherland, T. Bartholomaus, E. Shroyer, J. Nash, 2018, Reconciling drivers of seasonal terminus advance and retreat at thirteen central west Greenland tidewater glaciers, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface.
M. Fried, G. Catania, T. Bartholomaus, D. Duncan, M. Davis, L. Stearns, J. Nash, E. Shroyer, D. Sutherland, R. Walker, 2015, Subglacial discharge drives heterogenous submarine melt at a Greenland tidewater glacier, Geophysical Research Letters.
Denis Felikson - PhD 2018 now at NASA Goddard
D. Felikson, G. Catania, T. Bartholomaus, M. Morlighem, B. Noel, 2020, Steep glacier knickpoints mitigate inland thinning in Greenland, Geophysical Research Letters.
D. Felikson, T. Bartholomaus, G. Catania, N. Korsgaard, K. Kjaer, M. Morlighem, B. Noel, M. van den Broeke, L. Stearns, J. Nash, E. Shroyer, D. Sutherland, J. Nash, 2017, Inland thinning on the Greenland ice sheet controlled by outlet glacier geometry, Nature Geoscience.
Liz Logan - PhD 2015 now at Exxon Mobile
L. Logan, L. Lavier, E. Choi, E. Tan and G. Catania, 2017, Semi-brittle rheology and ice dynamics in DynEarthSol3D, The Cryosphere, 11, 117-132.
L. Logan, G. Catania, E. Choi, L. Lavier, 2013, A novel method for predicting fracture in floating ice, Journal of Glaciology, 59(216).
Tim Bartholomaus - Postdoc 2014-2016 now at Univ. of Idaho
T. Bartholomaus, L. Stearns, D. Sutherland, E. Shroyer, J. Nash, R. Walker, G. Catania, D. Felikson, D. Carroll, M. Fried, B. Noel, M. van den Broeke, 2016, Contrasts in the response of adjacent fjords and glaciers to ice sheet surface melt in western Greenland, Annals of Glaciology.
Jason Gulley - Postdoc 2011-2013 now at Univ. of S. Florida
J.D. Gulley, P. Spellman, J. Martin, M. Covington, D. Benn and G. Catania, 2013, Large values of hydraulic roughness in subglacial conduits during conduit enlargement: implications for modeling conduit evolution, Earth Surf. Proc. and Land.
J.D. Gulley, M. Grabiec, J.B. Martin, J. Jania, G. Catania, P. Glowacki, 2012, The effect of discrete recharge by moulins and heterogeneity in flow-path efficiency at glacier beds on subglacial hydrology, Journal of Glaciology, 58(211), 926-940.
J.D. Gulley, P. Walthard, J. Martin, A. Banwell, D. Benn, G. Catania, 2012, Conduit roughness and dye-trace breakthrough curves: why slow velocity and high dispersivity may not reflect flow in distributed systems, J. of Glaciology, 58(211), 915-925.
Benj Wagman MS 2012 now at Sandia National Labs
B. Wagman, G. Catania, 2013, Impact of subglacial hydrology on force balance for a physically-modeled ice stream, Annals of Glaciology, 54(63).
Lauren Andrews PhD 2015 now at NASA Goddard
L. Andrews, M. Hoffman, T. Neumann, G. Catania, M. Lüthi, R. Hawley, K. Schild, C. Ryser, B. Morriss, 2018, Seasonal evolution of the subglacial hydrologic system modified by supraglacial lake drainage in western Greenland, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface.
L. Andrews, G. Catania, M. Hoffman, J. Gulley, M. Lüthi, C. Ryser, R. Hawley and T. Neumann, 2014, Direct observations of evolving subglacial drainage beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet, Nature, 514, 80-83.
Joe MacGregor Postdoc 2010-2013 now at NASA Goddard
J.A. MacGregor, G. Catania, H. Conway, D. Schroeder, I. Joughin, D. Young, S. Kempf, D. Blankenship, 2013, Weak bed control of the eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, Journal of Glaciology, 59(217).
J.A. MacGregor, G. Catania, M.S. Markowski and A.G. Andrews, 2012, Widespread rifting and retreat of ice-shelf margins in the eastern Amundsen Sea Embayment between 1972 and 2011, Journal of Glaciology, 58(209), 458-466.
J.MacGregor, S. Anandakrishnan, G. Catania, and D. Winebrenner, 2011, The grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica, from ice-penetrating radar, Journal of Glaciology, 57(205), 917-928.
J. MacGregor, M. Fahnestock, G. Catania, A. Aschwanden, G. Clow, W. Colgan, S. Gogineni, M. Morlighem, S. Nowicki, J. Paden, S. Price, H. Seroussi, 2016, A synthesisof the basal thermal state of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Journal of Geophysical Research.
J. MacGregor, W. Colgan, M. Fahnestock, M. Morlighem, G. Catania, J. Paden, S. Gogineni, 2016, Holocene deceleration of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Science, 351(590).
J. MacGregor, J. Li, J. Paden, G. Catania, G. Clow, M. Fahnestock, S. Gogenini, R. Grimm, M. Morlighem, S. Nandi, H. Seroussi, D. Stillman, 2015, Radar attenuation and temperature within the Greenland Ice Sheet, Journal of Geophysical Research, 983-1008.
J. MacGregor, M. Fahnestock, G. Catania, J. Paden, S. Gogenini, S. Young, S. Rybarski, A. Mabrey, B. Wagman, M. Morlighem, 2015, Radiostratigraphy and age structure of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Journal of Geophysical Research.
J.A. MacGregor, G. Catania, H. Conway, D. Schroeder, I. Joughin, D. Young, S. Kempf, D. Blankenship, 2013, Weak bed control of the eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, Journal of Glaciology, 59(217).
J.A. MacGregor, G. Catania, M.S. Markowski and A.G. Andrews, 2012, Widespread rifting and retreat of ice-shelf margins in the eastern Amundsen Sea Embayment between 1972 and 2011, Journal of Glaciology, 58(209), 458-466.
J.MacGregor, S. Anandakrishnan, G. Catania, and D. Winebrenner, 2011, The grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica, from ice-penetrating radar, Journal of Glaciology, 57(205), 917-928.